Thursday, March 25, 2010

Presenting "CoI FTW"

At long last, I've actually posted something new! I hope to make this a regular strip based on stuff that happens within my LotRO kinship, Children of Iluvatar.

The first strip is based on a conversation I had with our kin's married couple, Aurelas & Doldin about their misadventures out in Angmar.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Surprise in the immediate future...

I will be posting something a comic strip based on the interactions/events/topics of conversation with my kinship on Lord of the Rings Online. For the time being it's titled "CoI FTW" since I don't want to use the name Lord of the Rings, or Middle-Earth, or anything like that.

I'll post it in the next couple days. Just gotta finish inking and toning the last panel.
