Aloha! For this challenge I didn't do a survivor because I couldn't think of anything clever -and- I'm a MAVERICK! Watch out.
This here is my zombie boss of a sorts. It would be a semi-gestalt form...
Zombie Baby Swarm!
They would attack in large packs, moving in and out of attacks and dodging your fire as a school of fish might. Small, fast and a hunger filled ferocity.
Watch out for your ankles...
I really have to give you credit. I love the expressions on their faces, but what really screwed me up mentally was when I happened to spot that hidden kid. I can now imagine the horror of what the survivors would be going through thanks to that little surprise.
I think that concept of kids' bloody handprints all over the wall has become a staple in horror since the Blair Witch Project, but it may have been around before then. Contrasting that with the beach getaway painting throws again some more sardonic humor into a scene like that and gives it extra personality.
About how long did that take to do? Also which Painter program do you use? I have Corel Painter Essentials 3 (that came with my Wacom). You seem to fly through them and they are still loaded with detail.
That is badass! I love their expressions. Baby swarms...eating your face. Awesome.
Now I'm REALLY impatient to get my Painter program!
Its all done in Painter 10, using their gouache, but slightly customized brushes.
As for the bloody hands, the idea was through that entire stage you would slowly start seeing more and more hand prints as you went through just to built up some tension.
What kinda dpi are you running on that illustration or is that even a factor? I'm thinking that might be part of my issue. I'll have to experiment and see.
The original is 300 dpi, of course for zee web I make a 72 for viewing. Dpi is a pretty huge factor, in Painter anyway, as brushes are a base pixel size, so a size 20 brush on say 150dpi is HUGE compared to 300dpi.
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