Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Busy with Another Couple Projects

So as is obvious, I've been rather quiet with work ramping up and and finally dying and people regaining their sanity for the most part. I've started the new year by revamping and re-releasing my manga I worked on a long time ago. I will be posting those pages (once I have a lead on it) on a different Blogspot page and hopefully keep turn it into a relatively frequent web-comic. So my sabbatical has ended on that as well as on my role-playing game I'm designing. Thanks to DanMonster, I'm down to the last 3 out of 81 abilities to detail. Once I have that done, I can begin entertaining the idea of an adventure to test out the balance. I still have to design the magic spells and such but caster classes still have 9 different tactics to use in addition to that. At least it's a place to start. I also haven't given up on the CoI F.T.W. comics. I still have about another 5 worked out that I have to execute. That's in addition to any challenges that get thrown around on here. Updates to come!


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