So I know that I've been rather quiet for a while but I have been caught up with many of the wonderful things that life throws at you, like work, video games, role-playing game design... a sudden and overwhelming obsession with Airsoft. I will be also posting about the things that I've been learning as I explore this hobby as well as just including posts about just general life observations.
I would also like to say thanks to Aurelas from Books, Bowties, and Balls of Yarn for mentioning the CoI FTW comic strip on her blog! She's a good friend and a kinsmen in our Lord of the Rings Online kinship (guild), Children of Iluvatar on the Vilya server. Her and her hubby Doldin even appeared in the first CoI FTW. As her blog titles implies, it covers crafts, good reads, and amusing observations about things in general. So please, stop by there hang out a bit.
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