Friday, September 19, 2008

And so it begins...

I don't have a witty anecdote to start something like this off. What I intend for this page to do is serve as a looking glass into the minds of several of my friends, and their artistic processes. We will be issuing challenges to each other to see how everyone else responds with their various media. We will make stipulations that will call for varying timeframes, choice of medium, and so on. I am really looking forward to seeing which angle each person takes on a project. If this works out like I envision, I will have our submissions posted on a weekly basis. We will have to see if it pans out that way, but that is my intention.

We will be discussing the outcomes as well, so that we can hone not only our skills in techniques that are foreign to us, but to hone our critiquing skills as well.

I will let each of my friends tell what they want about themselves by responding to this post.

I myself, am an illustrator seeking my motivation for doing artwork again. I was filling up sketchbooks with ease then I started getting into designing my own role-playing game, I built this entire setting for it and everything. I even bought nice sketchbooks to put the reference work in there. Big mistake... when you have a nice sketchbook, you have a tendency to want everything in there to be "Oh my God!" amazingly perfect. I let myself get hung up on that concept. Couple that with the nonsense that life and work throw at you and you slowly started feeling less and less motivated to create.

Well I'm here, to elbow that lack of inspiration in the teeth. It's a small step, but it's a step. I hope anyone who sees our journey, finds some kind of motivation themselves to keep pursuing their interests.
