Challenge #1 was to come up with the concept art for a 5th survivor and/or a boss infected for the upcoming game Left 4 Dead.
My submission is Ingrid here. My intention here was to look at the established survivors and come up with a fifth who looked as different as possible from the others. This would even apply to the outlines of your teammates when they walk behind walls. I wanted the fifth to be different even in that respect.
What really drove me to go with Ingrid here was the potential story behind her and the psychological effect involved. As you may be able to tell, Ingrid is Amish. I was watching a video of L4D footage that involved a farm and I started applying the most extreme stretches to the idea thinking something along the following lines...
- What would an Amish girl who knows about nothing but churning butter and milking cows do if one day infected showed up attacking destroying the peaceful life she knew?
- How would she survive until the main 4 survivors showed up?
- How would she react if while infected are running around 4 people show up blasting everything in sight, found her, and gave her a gun?
- When given this gun, what will her mind go through as she has to shoot potential former neighbors? Will each shot wrack her with emotional and moral torment or will the survival instinct take over?
I had to look up what Amish clothing looked like and I saw this kind of rust colored smock of a dress that I though looked neat and tried to replicate it, but in hindsight I realize that this concept kinda reminds me of an Amish female Goku from Dragon Ball Z. @_,@;; Oh well, some are winners, some are not.
I need to probably work with the image at a larger scale in terms of dpi so that I don't have such a hard time getting tiny little details to look decent because I had to zoom in so close. I'm using Corel Painter Essentials 3 and a Wacom tablet.
I hope you all enjoy.
I really like the idea of someone sort of isolated from the rest of the world getting thrown into the fray. Here's another thought, what about those tribes you always hear about in the amazon or papua new guinea that nobody's ever had real contact with?
Anywho, I do like the idea of her outfit, hehe...I can see what you mean by the "dragonball" look though. Maybe she could fight with a scythe or a sickle.
Dismemberment is fun kids!
Duuuude! If they allow a scythe in that game, it's on! I'm using that the whole way through! I don't care how hard it would be. haha
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