Okay, so I'll admit I've never played Silent Hill. Anywho, from what I could gather about the creatures, is that some of them are manifestations of a characters personal fears. So I went with what would probably be a fairly typical fear of a female character, childbirth that goes terribly wrong. Difficult birth, baby being stillborn, ect...in all of its bloody glory.
Whats with baby-fear around this joint…
Egads! I am suddenly reminded of CJ talking about using that Bag of Summoning to throw babies into flanking position so he can sneak attack in Dungeons and Dragons.
*Toss* BABY! *Stabs bad guy*
Nice one. I can always count on Niff to show that true horror exist not in death but in life. @_,@ hehe
I took a second look at it and I realized while the immediate horror of seeing a stillborn baby in a hangman's pose is intense and couple that with the kinda "Here Geeves, do something with 'this'..." pose from the girl makes me wonder if the girl is mentally broken, depressed, or evil, or what.
But part of me wonders how much more or less creepy it would have been if the baby was laying horizontal like a tree swing seat being suspended by the umbilical cord.
I really wish Paul actually used his computer and internet. He would have been all over this chousen. As obsessed as he is with the history of Silent Hill (as am I) I'd like to have seen what he'd have done.
You know, I actually debated having the baby hanging in the horizontal position by the cord, but decided that it being choked by its own umbilical cord made a bit more sense.
The first thing I thought of when I saw the baby was that you could swing it around lasso style and whap people with it.
I bet that baby would burst like a watermelon if you did that.
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