Thursday, April 9, 2009

Chousen #7- Dan, you're up!

I've been enjoying what results from these challenges. Especially the reactions. I have been calling the shots on these so far but I'd like to have someone else come up with the idea. So just to put him on the spot, Dan you're up! The chousen is for you to decide the next project. Let us know what you have in mind by Saturday the 11th.

The chousen has been made, GO!

P.S.- I'd just like to take this moment to announce that earlier tonight, Kildano my hobbit Burglar on Lord of the Rings Online capped out at level 60! Oww! Look out Watcher in the Water!


DanMonster said...

Just remember, you asked me. So I will show nor give any quarter.

Also grats on 60 nub.

Jen said...